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Create tasks

You can create Todo, Event and Deadline tasks and add them to the task list.

Delete tasks

You can delete tasks that have been added from the task list.

Load and save tasks

The tasks that you have added will be saved when you close Duke. The tasks would also be loaded when Duke is reopened.

Update task status

You can mark tasks as done once you have completed them.

View tasks

You can view the tasks as a list with both their done status, type and description.

Search via keyword(s)

You can search for tasks with specific keyword(s) in their description and view all of them in a list.

Add alias for commands

You can add aliases for commands that are hard for you to remember. The aliases would be retained even after you close reopen Duke.


todo - Adds a new Todo task

Adds a new task to be done.

Example of usage:

Command: todo <description>

Expected outcome:

Creates a new todo task with the given description

deadline - Adds a new Deadline task

Adds a new task with a deadline to be met.

Example of usage:

Command: deadline <description> /by <ddmmyyyy HHHH>

Expected outcome:

Creates a new deadline task based on the specified description and deadline

event - Adds a new Event task

Adds a new event and when it will happen.

Example of usage:

Command: event <description> /at <ddmmyyyy HHHH>

Expected outcome:

Creates a new event task based on the specified description and date

delete - Deletes a task

Deletes a task given its index.

Example of usage:

Command: delete <index>

Expected outcome:

Deletes the task at the specified index

done - Marks a task as done

Marks a task as done given its index.

Example of usage:

Command: done <index>

Expected outcome:

Marks the specified task as done

list - List all tasks

List all tasks added into the task list.

Example of usage:

Command: list

Expected outcome:

A list view of all tasks

find - Finds tasks containing keywords

Lists and finds all tasks with matching keywords.

Example of usage:

Command: find <keyword(s)>

Expected outcome:

A list view of all tasks matching the keyword(s)

alias - Associates command to alias

Create a new alias for an existing command.

Example of usage:

Command: alias <existing command> <alias>

Expected outcome:

The alias serves the same function as the command it is associated to

bye - Exit Duke

Saves the aliases and task list.

Example of usage:

Command: bye

Expected outcome:

Duke terminates